K9 Sisters

brown labrador retriever drinking water from a fountain

TIP OF THE DAY: How to keep your dog healthy during the warm summer

It is that time of the year again: Summer! After long waiting it is finally here and with the temperatures getting higher and higher every year (yes, climate change is real!) we need to care for ourselves and those around us. Of course, this also includes our beloved friends with 4 paws. Making sure our dogs stay hydrated and healthy during this period requires way more than just changing their water constantly. Did you know that a floppy skin, dizziness and fatigue are signs of dehydration and overheating in dogs? In this week's post we have prepared a list of 5 things you can do to assure your dog will stay hydrated and healthy, and enjoy this summer just as much as you will.

When its summer and the sun is shining outside, all of us Amsterdammers immediately go outside to get every bit of sun that is possible. While this can be super fun for us – and also for our dogs (especially those who like swimming) it is important to remember that high temperatures can be harsh for our dog friends as in Europe they are not well used to these rising temperatures Before heading out the door into the sun, here are some tips to keep your dog cool and hydrated.

Always carry fresh water with you
You would be amazed at how much more water a dog can drink in the summer in comparison with the winter. Make sure you always carry some fresh water and a bowl for your dog when you go outside.

Make a choice for wet food during the days/months with higher temperatures
This can really help in your dog’s hydration. We understand not all dogs can/enjoy wet food – and it can also be quite an investment if you have 3 long months of summer, so adding water to your dog’s food is also a good alternative.

What about 3 bowls of water?
Even when you are inside, it can still get pretty warm. We recommend doubling or tripling the amount of water stations in your home to ensure a good supply of fresh water for your dog. This is even more important if you have more than one dog.

Ice will make nice treats for your dog in the summer
What about adding ice cubes into the water bowls to keep them fresh and cool throughout the day? Another option is to give your dog ice cubes to play with, or freeze some of his favorite snacks: carrots, bananas, etc.

Extra water when going on walks and exercising
When doing any kind of exercise with your pup, as minimal as it can be, make sure to offer small amounts of water every 20 minutes. This will keep his healthy and avoid overheating.