K9 Sisters

The K9 Sister's Blog

brown labrador retriever drinking water from a fountain

TIP OF THE DAY: How to keep your dog healthy during the warm summer

It is that time of the year again: Summer! After long waiting it is finally here and with the temperatures getting higher and higher every year (yes, climate change is real!) we need to care for ourselves and those around us. Of course, this also includes our beloved friends with 4 paws. Making sure our dogs stay hidrated and healthy during this period requires way more than just changing their water constantly. Did you know that a floppy skin, dizziness and fatigue are signs of dehydration and overheating in dogs? In this week's post we have prepared a list of 5 things you can do to assure your dog will stay hydrated and healthy, and enjoy this summer just as much as you wiil.

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brown long coated dog drying paws on blue towel

GROOMING: The best guide on how to clip your dog's nails

In today’s ‘grooming during lockdown’ post series we tackle one of the most difficult grooming tasks, that will give any dog or dog owner some anxiety. That is: Trimming your dogs nails. Now during the pandemic the grooming of dogs (and humans) who depend on monthly care has been affected and people are having to take on the tasks of grooming themselves and their dogs at home. Although this tasks can be feared by most dog owners, we are here to help you out, because trimming a dog’s nail can be really easy if done right. Check our tips and tricks on how to do it in the comfort of your home.

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woman gives biscuits to two seated dogs

TRAINING: 3 simple commands to teach your dog during the lockdown.

When you think of training a dog, think or a marathon and not a sprint! Even in our own training school we always say: we teach you the tools you need to train your dog, but we need you to apply these every day to see the results in the future. How fast the training can take depends on how often do you practice and your dog’s predisposition to learn new things. For example, while puppies take more work to train, they learn faster because they are not used to old manners. Older dogs for example can take less work (because they have less energy) but will take longer since they already know life a certain way. Feeling overwhelmed on where to start? What about with these simple 3 commands?

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dogs treats on wooden table

RECIPE: Your dog will fall in love with these homemade vegan treats!

While some people took on baking as their newest pandemic hobbies, we from the K9 Sisters have taken on baking dog treats that are also edible for humans. Making your own dog treats is a great way to avoid industrialized cookies with weird ingredients, and to make friendly and healthy cookies catered to your dog’s food preferences and potential allergies. In the last year we have tried almost 20 recipes of dog treats, ranging from peanut butter to carrots, but this one is our ultimate favorite. Dont miss the chance and check our this latest post on how to make this 4 ingredient only homemade vegan dog treat with pumpkin and peanut butter.

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