K9 Sisters

brown long coated dog drying paws on blue towel

GROOMING:The best guide on how to clip your dog's nails

In today’s ‘grooming during lockdown’ post series we tackle one of the most difficult grooming tasks, that will give any dog or dog owner some anxiety. That is: Trimming your dog's nails. Now during the pandemic the grooming of dogs (and humans) who depend on monthly care has been affected and people are having to take on the tasks of grooming themselves and their dogs at home.

Although this tasks can be feared by most dog owners, we are here to help you out, because trimming a dog’s nail can be really easy if done right. Check our tips and tricks on how to do it in the comfort of your home.

Please note we advise all dog owners who do not feel comfortable doing this alone to seek professional help. It can be especially tricky to trim nails from a dog who is not used to being touched in their paws. We recommend dog owners to be affectionate with their dog's paws and play with it since its early ages so that this process can be made easier in the future.

Peanut butter
To make this process easier we recommend using a spoon with peanut butter. This will make your dog enjoy the process and distract him from the work you are performing on his nails.

Get your dog used to it first
A dog needs to be comfortable first before you can take on this task on yourself. Prior to the trimming day, we recommend showing your dog the nail clipper and letting the dog sniff it, touch their paws with it, always giving him a praise for a good job or even a treat. This will make your dog familiar with the instrument that will be used for the nail trimming procedure.

Use an appropriate and safe tool
There are so many varieties of dog nail clippers that it can be overwhelming to choose one. You can always contact your regular vet/groomer to get their opinion on which one is the best for you and your dog. Also, If you don't know how to use one and this will be your first time trimming your dog's nails, please do contact your vet/groomer for their instructions on how to handle these tools.

Firm but gentle touch
When holding your dog's paw for the trim, make sure to hold it firmly so they won't be able to move considerably, but also be gentle so it won't stress the dog. When holding the pay you must push you thumb towards the paw to extend the nail completely.

Begin slowly and short
When finally clipping the nails, you want to do this slowly and just small bits by bits so you don't cut too much into the nail and risk reaching the quick (which will cause bleeding). A rule of thumb here is to clip the tip of the nail only and never cut into the curve of the nail.

We hope you have enjoyed our nail clipping tips. And don't forget: When in doubt always contact a professional!