K9 Sisters

woman gives biscuits to two seated dogs

TRAINING: 3 simple commands to teach your dog during the lockdown.

When you think of training a dog, think or a marathon and not a sprint! Even in our own training school we always say: we teach you the tools you need to train your dog, but we need you to apply these every day to see the results in the future. How fast the training can take depends on how often do you practice and your dog’s predisposition to learn new things. For example, while puppies take more work to train, they learn faster because they are not used to old manners. Older dogs for example can take less work (because they have less energy) but will take longer since they already know life a certain way. Feeling overwhelmed on where to start? What about with these simple 3 commands?

Don't forget: when training your dog make sure to be consistent about the signs you are using - this will assure a faster learning process.

There is no command that is more basic than 'Sit'. This is one of the easiest learning commands for dogs. To teach this one, make sure you have a dog cookie/treat on your hand and let the dog smell it. Then slowly distance your hand from the dog's nose upwards and repeat the command 'sit' until the dog lowers their flank. Reward the dog with treats and affectionate when he gets it correct. Repeat it constantly until they learn the command.

The Stay command is usually a good follow-up command to learn after the sit command, because it will build on having the dog already be seated to them move on towards commanding him to stay in that position. After performing the sit command successfully, hold the palm of your hand open towards the dog and slowly start walking back while repeating the command 'stay'. If the dog moves their position start again from the sit command. Start by walking away short distances and increasing as the dog progresses. Again, give the dog affection and treats when he does a good job.

Drop it
Drop it can be a life-saving (or object saving) command. It can help avoid the destruction of socks, slippers and other house objects but also make sure your dog does not eat anything that could be dangerous to them. To teach this command place a dog treat in the palm of both of your hands and close them. Now get close to the dog with your right hand and try to make him switch his attention to the left hand by offering him the treat on the left hand as reward for backing away from the right hand. You will do this by calling the command "drop it" while you do it. Only open your left hand when the dog completely backs away from your right hand.

After your dog has mastered these commands, they will be ready to take on a next challenge (and so will you!)